Encapsulation in java and programming example

Q.1  what is encapsulation?

Ø  Encapsulation in java is a mechanism of wrapping the data (variables  ) and code acting on the data (method) together as a single unit.

Q.2  how to achieve encapsulation?

Ø  Decelear the variables of a class as private.

Ø  Provide  public setter and getter  method  to modify  and view the values of the variable

Ø  In encapsulation the variables of a class will be hidden from other classes and can be accessed only through the method of their current also this concept is known as data hiding.


class    Example     {

privet int id;

public void  set Example_id(int   id)   {

id= id;   }

public  int get Example_id()

return   id;



Q.3  write a program to encapsulation  ?

class   Employee {

privet  int  empid;

public void  set Empid(int    empi)  {

Empid  =  empi  ;


public  int  getEmpid()    {

return   empid;  



class    Company      {

public void main (String   args[])   {

Employee em= new  Employee ();



