Java method programming example

What is the method?

Method:--    a method is a collection of a statement that perform some specific task and return the result to the caller.

We use the method in java for different reasons:-

1.    Reuse of our code.

2.    Parameterize code

3.    Top to a down programming approach

4.    Conceptual units

5.    Simplify our code

Type of method:--   there are two types described below.

Non –parameterized method:-  this type of method doesn’t have a provision to accept external value and data.


[access modifier] then [return type method]then[method name]then(parameter1 ,parameter2)

Public  void display(int  =a, String=c)    {

//body of method


Parameterize method:--  this type of method have a provision to accept external values or data.


[access modifier] then [return type method]then[method name]then(parameter1 ,parameter2)

Public  void display(int  =a, String=c)    {

//body of method


Java return type method  and example

1.   Here we use a return statement which is a type of jump statement.

2.   This return statement returns the final evaluated value of some data type as the type of our method.

3.   We can create a method of all data types (primitive and non-primitive) so their designed return value must match the data type of the method.

4.   Method which has the data type as void don’t need return value .hence we don’t write return statement in void type method.

Programming Example:--            

class   MethodExample    {

byte numOne, numTwo;

void  addnum()     {
System.out.println(“addition=”  + (numOne+numTwo));


void  subnum()  {

System.out.println(“substraction=”  + (numOne+numTwo));


void  multinum()  {

System.out.println(“multiple=”  + (numOne+numTwo));


void  divnum()  {

System.out.println(“division=”  + (numOne+numTwo));


public static void main (String  args[])   {

MethodExample     obj =   new   MethodExample ();

obj.numOne= 10;

obj.numTwo= 23;







Programming example :-

Class   NumShow {
double  []  show ()      {

double  []  show ()      {12.43D,  123.958d, 115.46D} ;

return   show;


double  []  show1 ()      {

double  []  show1 ()      {20.43D,  23.58, 115.96D} ;

return show1 ;


Public static void main (String   args[])  {

NumShow s  =  new  NumShow ();;




1.       Return type method:-

2.   Int   show1  ()  {   return   1;   }

3.   byte   show2  ()  {   return   12;   }

4.   long   show3  ()  {   return   1111111111L;   }

5.   float   show4  ()  {   return   111.6f;   }

6.   double   show5  ()  {   return   231.7566D;   }

7.   boolean   show6  ()  {   return   true;   }

8.   char   show7  ()  {   return   “p”;   }

9.   String   show8  ()  {   return   “programming khata”;   }

10.                Int []  arrayshow9  ()  { 

int[]  arrayshow9={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,22,86,66,96};

return arrayshow9;


11.                void   show10  ()  {  

// no return   type
