Python interview question 2022

Q.1) why python known as interpreted language?

Ø  Because its code can be converted directly into machine code. It does not require any compiler.

Q.2)  python tools that help to find bugs?

Ø  pylint tools that help to find bugs.

Q.3) why the pass statement is used in python?

Ø  Pass statement is used when a statement is required syntactically but we do not want any code to execute.

Q.4)  what are iterators in python?

Ø  It is  an object  that contains countable numbers of  values and all these values can be  traversed using for loop(and many other ways)

Q.5)  how a number can be converted into a string using python?

Ø  str(number)

Q.6)  how random numbers can be generated in python?

import <random>

# module

Q.7)  what are the 5 benefits of using python?

1.   Easy to learn

2.   Interpreted language

3.   Large library

4.   OOPs based

5.   Portable

Q.8)  what is the difference between Django and flask?

Django:-  in  Django all  configuration  and basic structure  is already provided  so less work

Flask:-  flask to do while in flask everything needs to do. From scratch

Q.9)  python is case sensitive?

Ø  Yes python is case sensitive

Q.10)  what is the difference between python arrays and Python lists?

Ø  Python list:-  list can contain heterogeneous types of data.

Ø  Python array:-   array contains homogeneous data.

Q.11)  what is self in python?

Ø  It’s a reference variable which refers to the current object

Q.12) difference between  NumPy and lists?

Ø  Python list:-  list can contain a heterogeneous type of data.

Ø  Python NumPy:-   array contains homogeneous data.

Q.13)  does python-support multiple inheritances?

Ø  Yes python-support multiple inheritances

Q.14)  use of help() and dir() function in python?

Ø  help():-    help() function display  documentation of a modules, function classes keywords

Ø  dir():-   returns all properties and methods of a specified object without values.

Q.15)   what is slicing in python Example?

Example:-    a=(‘a’, ‘b’,  ‘c’,  ‘d’,  ‘e’,  ‘f’,  ‘g’,  ‘h’,  ‘I’)


Output:- ( ‘c’,  ‘d’,  ‘e’,  )

Q.16)    how to declare a comment in Python?

Ø  Single line comment-  #

Ø  Multiline comment-  ‘’’ programming khata’’’ / “””programming khata”””

Q.17)   which function is used to check if all characters in a String are alphanumeric in python?

Ø  isalnum() function

Q.18)   how to capitalize the first letter of a string in python?

Ø  capitalize()  function

Q.19)   how to reverse a list in python? Don’t use an inbuilt function?

a =  “programming khata”

print(a[:: -1])

Q.20)   IDEs available for python?

Ø  Pychram, inteliJ, VScode, IDLE, etc..

Q.21)   how duplicate elements can be removed from a list?

Ø  Convert the list into a set because the set does not contain duplicate items.

Q.22)   why data types are supported by python?

Ø  Str, set, list, dict, tuple, Boolean,  float,  none

Q.23)   What is PEP8 in python?

Ø  It is a document that provides guidelines and best practices on how to write python code.

Q.24)  difference between java & python?

Java is statically typed

Python is dynamically typed

Q.25)   if   n =  [9, 7, 4, 2]      n = [-2] = ??

Ø  4

Q.26)   Write code to remove white space from ‘a b c d’ using python?

a = ‘a b c d’

a.replace(“ “,””)

Q.27)   difference between deep copy and shallow copy in python?

Ø  Shalowcopy:-  creates a new object which stores the reference of the original elements.

Ø  Deepcopy:-  creates a new object and recursively adds the copies of nested  objects present  in the original,

Q.28)   method vs constructor in python?

Ø  Constructor:-  is used to  initialize an object 

Ø  Method:-  is  used to exhibits functionality of an  object

Q.29)   write a function name to declare a file from python?

Ø  os.removed ()  function

Q.30)   if   a>b:


Write this code using lambda function?

lambda  a,b: a if a>b

   else b