| Various health problems, vegetables, sugar and diabetes

Diabetes is caused when the amount of sucrose in the blood is higher than normal. Outbreaks appear to be exacerbated during this time. Carbohydrate rich vegetables like boti, potato, red potato, ole, kachu and khamal. Etc. vegetables should not be eaten too much. Telekucha, Uchche-karla, fenugreek, neem leaves, palte and helenchara are the medicines for this disease. Again, white eggplant is very useful in diabetes. Let the infected person eat vegetables like Thaer, Maecha, Tarsh, Fig, Spinach, Chikni, Methi, Tamal and Gime. Raw garlic is also able to lower the amount of sugar in the blood. Mix 2 teaspoons of neem leaf juice, 2 teaspoons of kalejan leaf juice, 1 teaspoon of kalamegh leaf juice, 2 teaspoons of telakuch leaf juice mixed together and eat it on an empty stomach 3 days a week for 1 month. Diabetes. Of course it will decrease. High blood pressure is one of the major health problems nowadays. It can cause high blood pressure for a variety of reasons. Potassium has a power to lower or control blood pressure. Beans, spinach, cabbage and nuts. These are eaten with regular meals. Please. It has been seen that the leaves of Sudhanishak and Sajan are very useful to play with boiled rice Sajan leaves boiled water but do not throw. Raw garlic also has the ability to reduce hypertension. Regular ekkoya raw garlic with rice will benefit from this rage.

Vitamin A is very important for eye problems . This vitamin is essential for the formation of retinal cells in the eye. Vitamin A deficiency can lead to vision loss and night blindness. For eye problems, let children eat vegetables that contain vitamin A from the very beginning. Hey, take care of these vegetables. Vegetables that are high in vitamin A include carrots, cabbage, lettuce, leaves, tomatoes, nuts, fenugreek, sajna and mustard. Bathua and gimar vegetables are very useful for enhancing eyesight.

Breast milk production and breast milk production in many mothers who have given birth is not properly. For this reason, the baby is deprived of the nutrition of breast milk. It is seriously harmful to the health of the baby. To keep the baby healthy, it is necessary to increase the production of breast milk. It has been seen that the mother who has given birth to a child is fed potato and kalmishak. Breast milk production increases a lot when fed boiled.

Heartburn: The problem of heartburn is now in the homes of Bengalis. And its chief. Because eating and drinking without following the rules. This problem is caused due to poor digestion of food. Regular consumption of a few vegetables will greatly reduce the problem of heartburn. Eat grass. You will see that it will increase digestion. Eating vegetables like Amrul, Gima, Bathua, Mint, Dhundul, Patal, Palte and Kankrael will reduce the incidence of heartburn and gas. Sajne leaves are boiled and eaten with hot rice. Understand the benefits of hand. Boil the velashak again, add beetle salt and mix it with rice to avoid heartburn and heartburn. Mustard and thankuni vegetables are very effective in heartburn and flatulence. Eating raw cucumber with Ahab will not cause heartburn and the food will be easily digested.

Heart attack and heart disease and nowadays heart disease is a serious health problem.

This can be due to environmental pollution, tension for work and mental distress, irregular eating, hypertension and poor sleep. If you eat vegetarian food with regular vegetables, the incidence of heart disease will be reduced a lot. You will eat spinach, cabbage, spinach and spinach. Also, eat tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, beets, cauliflower, and raw garlic and onions. You will see that the heart will be healthy and active. And the chances of a heart attack will decrease. Playing Brahmishak again in "Brahmin"

The presence of herbal alkaloids provides energy to the heart and keeps it functioning. Helencha, Bathua and you to reduce the irritation of the 2nd foot and the irritation of the hands and feet

Eat tar with spinach rice. You will see the benefits. Hemorrhoids can occur if there is long-term constipation. The anus in this rage

And blood falls. Eating vegetables will benefit you in this diet. The toilet is soft

Hemorrhoids can be prevented by eating vegetables that can. For this, eat vegetables like Bathua, Kachi Chalkumrae, Lau, Khesari, Puni, Ol, Pepe and Eggplant. In this rage, do not eat vegetables like raw banana, thyme, macha and ichar at all.

Thin stools and thin stools are stomach problems.

At this time you have to be careful about food. If you have thin stools and stomach upset, boil or eat vegetables like nut, cabbage, bathua, fenugreek, gandal, thankuni, raw papaya and kanchakala. Sajane leaves are very effective in this rage.

| Leukorrhea: Leukorrhea is a common health problem in girls. In this rage the body becomes weak, the mood becomes irritable and anemia is seen in the body. Goes. At the beginning of the rage, if you make a habit of eating raw banana, gher, macha, and fenugreek and kulekhara vegetables, this rage will go away.

Ulcers : Ulcers are a harmful rage. The main cause of stomach ulcers is excessive secretion of gastric acid, which interferes with digestion. Nowadays, many people get angry. It is not impossible to get rid of it if you follow the proper diet with treatment. You regularly eat pumpkin, pumpkin, kachapele. Eat vegetables like raw banana, sweet potato, ripe gravel etc. You will see the benefits. According to the white milk in raw papaya, the sticky papain enzyme is digestive and can cure ulcers. Also eat raw garlic at meal time as it is very effective in curing intestinal ulcers.

Skin care and vitamin-C And Vitamin A is especially needed for healthy and normal skin. In order to increase the radiance of the skin and keep it soft, it is absolutely necessary to have the supply of those teeth vitamins in the body. Vitamin A and C also help protect the skin from the effects of harmful ultraviolet rays. Keep in mind that vitamin-C deficiency can lead to rough skin, rashes on the skin and blisters. For skin care, you need to eat raw young neem leaves. Because of its antiseptic properties, neem leaves protect the skin from the onslaught of rabies germs. Tomatoes, cabbage, fenugreek, lettuce, Cucumber. He will eat cauliflower and other vegetables. Eat raw cucumber regularly after meals. It's like that. Useful for digestive skin. Vitamin-C-rich tomatoes are also very useful in healing skin blemishes and normalizing the skin. Of the skin. Vitamin-C is rich in wrinkles and protects the skin from dryness in winter. Eating vegetables is absolutely necessary. | Increased hunger At that time not getting hungry and even loss of food is another health problem. Its nuisance has increased lately. There have been a few specific diets in the daily diet

Eating vegetables will reduce this problem quite a bit. Eating palte, mint, fenugreek, neem leaves, telekuchar leaves, bathua, gandal, sajne and mulashak will eliminate appetite and increase hunger. Also, eating raw pumpkin and khesarisak increases hunger.

Dermatitis is a skin health problem. For various reasons 

 Vegetables are very useful for blood circulation and can slow down.

Methishak Nuniyashik Kulekhara, Nate, Nimapata, Uchche and Punarnabashak

are some of the vegetables that are used to treat skin diseases.

Resistance is created. Neem leaves are fried and raw to cure itching

Dermatitis and dermatitis are common, but the skin is clean and blood.

And Helencha and Nateshak are quite, keep the body cool and will be quite.

Eating vegetables like helencha, laushak etc.

body 9 | Hair Beauty Chi Hair helps to maintain blood district from dry hands

Keeping cool and having a number of vegetables, eating them will help your body.

Playing C will cool the body. In order to protect seniority

 Vitamin C works to protect the beauty of the hair . Hair is normal. Helps to keep y. Besides,

hair does not grow easily. In addition to Vitamin C, M Potassium and Mineral Minerals are also good for hair health.

Just need. To protect the health and beauty of hair, eat vegetables like tomato, carrot, cabbage,

lettuce and fenugreek. To prevent hair loss due to malnutrition, eat Mathi and Thankuni vegetables with regular rice.

These two vegetables nourish the hair follicles and prevent dandruff. Fenugreek leaves make hair thick and black.

| Asthma and cough: A little lemon juice mixed with honey licks and cures severe cough.

Asthma attacks also stop immediately and are relieved.

Colds and coughs: Colds and coughs are a common health problem these days.

Several. Vegetables play an effective role in counteracting this anger. Children's chest congestion.

To reduce cold, you will benefit by playing Amrul Shaak with hot rice. Two vegetables are equally

effective for colds. Thankuni, fenugreek, Punarnaba, peas for colds and coughs.

And Helencha proved quite useful today. Cauliflower and cabbage and Brahmishak

play a special role in curing shortness of breath and cold in the chest.

| Irregular and low discharge during menstruation is a serious health problem for girls.

This is the problem. This anger keeps the girls tense or worried all the time. This gun is also among the vegetables

Has the ability to cure or reduce nasal congestion.

Gima, Thankuni and Fenugreek, Eggplant, Shaw, Bean, Barbati Sajan

Fruits and Data, Uchche, Ol and ChalkumraEspecially useful.

Mridha has the ability to increase. One in the habit of feeding .

Tishakti and a memory of vegetables like Shusni, Brahmi and Thankuni

There is power. Make a habit of 3-4 months regularly to improve the memory of children. The head of the tonic called 'Brenalia'

which is prevalent in the market. Le Brahmi. Brahmi and spinach to increase the freshness and memory of the brain.

The material is Brahmi. M | Very useful. Buddhism is past, and not getting enough sleep is a problem. It is just as unbearable.