Java exception hierarchy

Exception:-   exceptions indicates conditions that reasonable application mighttry” to “catch

Q.4) what is hierarchy?

·         An exceptional errors type are subclasses of class throwable which are base classes of hierarchy. One branch is headed by exception. This class is used for exception conditions the user program should catch null PointerException.

·         Another branch error used by the java runtime system(JVM) to indicate an error having to do with the runtime environment itself (JRE) stack overflow error is an example of such an error.

Q.1) what are the parent classes in all classes of java?

·         Object is the parent class of all the classes in the java

Q.2) which is the parent class in the all exception class?

·         throwable is the parent class of all exception class


Parent class of the all java class


Parent class of all exception class


Child class of throwable


Child class of the exception


Q.3) what is the different exception and error?



In most cases, exceptions are occurred by our program

An error occurred because of a lack of system resources not by our program and thus, the program cannot do anything

Exception recoverable by the programmer. Can handle then using try and catch block

Error not recoverable by the programmer can handle them to their level

An exception are two type

Error is only one type

Run time exception(unchecked exception)


(checked exception)

Run time(unchecked exception)