Top 15 System programming and compiler design interview question and answer in 2022

Q.1) A Compiler translates the source code too?

·         machine code and binary code

Q.2) Which of the following groups token together into the asymmetric structure?

·      ·   Lexical analyzer

Q.3) In the transition process compiler school report the presence of in the source program?

·        · errors

Q.4) What is the output of the lexical analyzer?

·                    · A list of tokens

Q.5) how many parts of the compiler of there?

·            ·    2

Q.6) Grammar of the programming is checked of which phase of the compiler?

·                ·Syntax analysis

Q.7) What is the process of finding a parse tree for a string of tokens?

·                 ·  parsing

Q.8) The action of parsing the source program into proper Syntax classes?

·                  ·  Lexical analysis

Q.9) The compiler can check which error?

·                         ·   Syntex error

Q.10) The grammar that produces more than one parse tree for some sentences is called?

·                          ·   Ambiguous

Q.11) Lexical analysis is about Breaking and sequence of characters into which part?

·             ·          tokens

Q.12) Which is the most general structured grammar?

·                   · Context-sensitive

Q.13) Which is considered as a sequence of characters in a token?

·                  ·   lexeme

Q.14) What is the name of the process that determines whether a stream of tokens can be there by grammar?

·               ·  parsing

Q.15) Resolution and externally defined symbol are performed by?

·      linker